Monday 13 February 2017

Teaching practice reflection

Second phase teaching practice started last Wednesday. I got 8th and 9th standard . Teacher introduced me to the students in the first class . The class which I had to take with the lesson plan was standard 8. I collected the timetable from the teacher. We were allowed to sit in the hostel section . Also teacher gave the key of her room and said us to sit there. We went there and sat there . But it was so difficult to write since there was no desk. At last we got a desk on the 3rd day. Equivalency exam was going on , so some classes were given holiday alternatively . My class was also given holiday , so I left my one class. I started my lesson . I had to go to 9th standard also . Teacher asked me to go to 9th standard when ever they had free . Children called and I went to 9th standard.
Last Monday there was assembly . Prizes were distributed to those children who won in the youth festival. I used to go to both of my classes . I was taking ratio in 8th standard . I found that there were some children who found difficulty in doing the problem. I tried my level best and repeated for them many times. Later I felt happy because children asked me not to say the answer till they do and they did all the problem very quickly .One day when I went to the class I found some children standing on oneside with notebooks in their hands , when I inquired I came to knew that they were given punishment by their Malayalam teacher. I felt a little bad because their teacher asked them not to sit in the class until they finish their work. Also our observation was started .First phase of observation was done by my teacher and she said what all changes has to brought. I tried to do in that way.I taught chidren about a mathematics software geogebra , but they were not aware of it. Then I came to know to their teacher does not use geogebra even it was in their text .  Also general teacher and my concern teacher came for observation . One of my friend lost her anklet and two students of higher secondary got it gave it to the principal 
This week general teachers came for observation . Sub district youth fest started this week . We were asked to go with the students to Boys Higher Secondary School. It was a nice and new experience . Children were very happy to go. We with some other teachers went with chidren .But all went to the front and returned back to school. It made the children tired. Most of the students were not in class and most of the teachers were not in the school . One of our teacher came for observation . As usual we served the mid day meal and so on
As usual I went to 8th standard and 9th standard and was trying to complete my portion. Last Wednesday was the inauguration of Haritha Keralam program. There was assembly and Shereena was called on to the stage to give reward to those honest students who gave her anklet which they got from the street.She said thanks to them. There was a program conducted on the topic farming So I lost  one of my class . I did revision . I revised all the important parts one more and made it thorough to the chidren.
 I put an diagnostic test to those week students who I found through conducting an achievement test.This week it was exam. We were not allowed to stand in the exam hall. Our duty was t collect all the papers from the teachers and to arrange it classwise . We were familiar with it as we did it in the first phase also The school closed for Christmas vacation and announced the date for re opening as 3rd january
School re opened after the Christmas vacation. Teachers were so busy in correcting papers . 8th and 9th standard students got well marks. I started new lesson ,Students  became so friendly to me and they began to like me . This week was the week of celebration . Children bought cakes and celebrated new and Christmas function together .As usual we together went to serve food . Teachers were happy to see us there, because when we serve they can do their job
I lost one of my class due to the strike . At that day our teacher came and gave us some guidelines about how to do the thesis. Also sir came for observation This week juniors also came to the school as a part of their initiatory visit . Two were from Mathematics option and two from English . They were so nervous, we helped them to collect school details . They came to observe our class .
Second phase observation by optional teacher was done in this week . Teacher came and observed both juniors class and our class . Teacher gave all the advices they needed . They were very tensed as it was their first class. Teacher said that we had improved and what all changes are needed more . The next day general teacher came and observed the class . And we were busy in our work . As the teaching practice finishes we had to complete all our work . So we had no time to waste . All free time we were In busy with our work.Last Wednesday juniors completed their 5 day teaching practice and they went back to college. Deputy HM asked to go to the  free classes as a substitute.
As some complained about the school teachers were alert and PTA president was observing the classes . We went  to all classes which were free . One after the other .Some teachers does not go to the class even during their period . We asked the children to call their teacher and if they were absent we stood there . It made us busy , we did not get any rest for three days continuously.Also started coscientization program  It was done step by step First I asked the children to make a writeup on the topic social media . Then asked to prepare posters and exhibited the posters .  Also I collected all details needed for my thesis . I gave a questioonaire to the children and asked them to fill the correct responses.
 Completed conscientization programme successfully . Most of the children were unaware of most  of the traps hidden in social media . They were feeling sad to say that they have no account on social media . After the class I asked them to write feedback of the class. Children were very interested We had finished our successfully our second phase teaching practice . We completed almost all works. Last two days were strike and we missed our last class .We could not give any sweets to the children because of the unexpected holiday . We distributed sweets to all the teachers staffs to express our gratitude. Then we left the school.

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